Holey Macaroni pastaman, Roy is writing something on his blog!! What has the world come to? Well, to tell the truth, I have been rather lazy, no really! I haven't been feeling like typing out words and editing them and posting them. I suppose that I have been rather selfish Dan. I therefore apologize to the thousands of people, wait, make that hundreds of people who read, no, no. Make that tens of people who read my, wait, wait, make that you few folks who hang on no matter what and read my blog, such as it is. We together can change the world and make it, wait, here I go again thinking globally and acting locally. Do you suppose that that is a formula for some kind of change? Hmmm, could be perhaps. Maybe I should copyright that, it might catch on and be used by all kinds of people, why, maybe even national leaders. Who knows, the sky is the limit!! That's not bad either. Kinda catchy if you get my drift Conus. Probably time for a token photograph now.

For those of you that don't recognize the above photograph, it is the North end of a Northbound horse, cropped and badly I might add. Photo by R.Kirby (cellphone) from the window of his car as the drivers side mirror was about to become a horse pacifier. For any that are interested still, the horse is named Chris. Don't ask me where it came from, but that is his name. Trust me. There is more livestock on parts of the road that I travel to get into Mountainair, or Wal-mart or wherever I go that is not at my house. (another token photo is inserted here)

Yes, this is a bull (boy cow for those who are not zoologically up to speed). No bull!! He really is on the road. Not behind a fence, just free range. Well, mostly free range. His owner likes to keep him and his kin within the fenced boundry for the ranch, hence we have a gate and a cattle guard. Luckily, Jude only has to get out to open the gate and has to do nothing to the cattle guard. If you don't know what a cattle guard is, then how long have you been here in New Mexico anyway? Google it. You will get pictures and everything. What wonderful things Wikipedia and Google are.
Well, tomorrow is Mothers day and I hope you tell your Mother how much you love and appreciate the effort she went through to bring you into the world.
Now the obligatory poem from yours truly.
To Mothers with LOVE
Mothers run the world you know, they really do.
Seems that there is nothing that Mothers wont do for me or you.
They do without so that we may have nice things.
Why they even teach us songs to sing that gives our hearts wings.
And the only thing that they wish in return for their unconditional love,
is an occasional "Thanks Mom, I
love you." given with a hug.

Happy Mothers Day. Thanks Mom, I
love you. ((((((((hugs))))))))
Thanks for tuning in. Have a little fun when you can.
What a sweet poem. This is a lucky lady who is with a man who can write about Mother's Day.
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ReplyDeleteI really like your stuff. I was lead to look for your stuff from your thing in title "A Godly Leader" I keep a copy on my wall at all times and on the bottom added my own that I may have heard some where that "you will never be rewarded in life for your similarties to other,but only for you diffrences." I like that and like it along wth you your Godly leader. Sorry if my typing is bad gettign use to a new keyboard...