Sunday, February 8, 2009

BLOOK (A blog book written by readers)

I am proposing a twist on an old summer camp game that many of us participated in when we were sitting around in a group on that warm evening or around the camp fire. The game had different names in different parts of the country. The basic premise was that someone would start a story, "Once upon a time there was..." and then the next person would add something, "a princess who lived in a large castle..." then the next person would add something, "who was ugly as sin and had a huge wart on her nose!" Of course we were a little younger then, and our tastes were a little more juvenile, but the principle is the same.
I propose that we (you lovely readers out in web land and I) write a book or story together using the above convention. We will develop characters, story line and plot. Create a beginning, a middle and an ending by each of us contributing a name, a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter and eventually, a book or completed story together. Each of us can be either anonymous or proudly proclaim our identities.

I AM ME!!!!
(or not)

The only caveat is that editorial license belongs to me to cull out any offensive or obscene language or socially offensive material, huge warty noses notwithstanding, and that all submissions will be deemed void of any intellectual property claims by the contributor. (Sort of legal stuff to keep anyone from suing me for stealing or altering their copyrighted or licensed material.) After all, this is envisioned as a fun and lighthearted exercise to engage the mind and stimulate group creativity.
Submissions for the story/book should be made by e-mail to: with the subject line Blook. I will publish the beginning of the story for all to have (sort of like starter dough for sour dough bread) who are interested in participating. Each week, I will e-mail those interested, an updated copy of the manuscript as it exists at that time. For those who may come in later, they can get a copy of the up to date manuscript also if they let me know at the above e-mail. I will keep information on the manuscript in the sidebar titled, are you ready? Blook report.
It is hoped that participation will be based on the idea of having fun and not on the fact that you might think that you have no writing skills etc. (Boo hooing yourself is not condoned on this blog. Sorry! Creativity is encouraged, however small you might think it to be. Yay you!! So go out there and create and send it to me.)
All comments, suggestions, attaboys, ect. should be entered in the comments section of the blog or if too long in length, sent as e-mail to me. I do not encourage negative critisism but anything of a positive nature is appreciated. Constructive critisism is always welcome because I am after all, just like you, human and prone to rutitis (infected with the desire to stay in my own little rut 'cause it's so comfy here).
So there you have it.
Or here you have it.
Title: "Incident In The Alley"

  • Tom Bradshaw, middle aged, divorced former independent insurance rep.
  • Betty Sterling, next door neighbor, 2 doors down.
  • Frank Batterly, Tom's best friend.
  • Celeste Tudor, possible love interest for Tom.
  • Oakmont, bedroom community of 48K pop. of metropolitan area where Tom lives.
  • Tiger, Tom's pet
"How come morning comes so early? Holy cow! Wow does my back hurt!" Tom Bradshaw stretched and yawned. He climbed out of bed slowly, scratched an itchy place on his lower back. "Should have gotten help lifting the lawn mower out of the trunk. Like those guys across the alley, working together." As he walked over to the window to get a better look at the two men, his phone called to him. "It's Been A Hard Days Night" streamed out of his shirt pocket. He stepped to the chair where his shirt from last night was tossed and reached into his pocket to get his phone. He came around with a start as he stood straight up. "What the?" He furtively moved back to the window and peered around the drapes. He could see nothing. The men were gone and so was the car. Well, not nothing exactly. There was something there. Where there was nothing before there was a pile. The pile sort of looked like a bunch of bumps covered by a cheap looking oriental rug.
"My glasses, where did I leave my glasses?", he thought as "I've been workin' like a daw-a-awg" wafted through the early morning dimness of the room. "Aha! There they are on the dresser!", he thought as he reached for them.

Okay gang! Your turn.

Go go go! I can hear those word processor programs just whirring.

In the dark

Sometimes, when we're afraid,
we go and hide in the dark.
Clasping hands to shoulders,
breath coming in gasps, almost a whine.
Our vision turns inward to that sublime
movie screen of the mind,
showing images of the worst kind.
With imagination in full speed,
rational thought like a hobbled steed,
stomach muscles quiver we slump toward the floor,
thinking we hear a scratch on the door,
fear creeps under our skin,
we think of goodness and light.
We hope and hope with all of our might
that fear has a bite less than its bark,
when we are afraid and in the dark.

Thanks for tuning in. Have a little fun when you can. Enjoy and create!
P.S. Hope you like the new layout and colors.


  1. I love the poem.......and the new colors.....and the beginning of a wonderful book!

  2. Instead of One million monkeys indeterminate number of bloggers? There are also "ficlets: and an online collaborative writing community, Make Literature.

    Could it really be a blook unless contributions are accepted by blog and then blogged minus email interface. That might call for a separate blog. Up the blods: require each contribution to incorporate an existing blog (with link).

  3. PS active links to items listed in Blook Report. For example, link "02/08/09 - Intro to Blooking" to

  4. (picking up from Tom reaching for his glasses)

    Tiger, Tom's pet Siberian tiger clone purred, licking his chops.

    The phone sang again before going to voice. Celeste's tarnished brass voice screeched through the speaker. No doubt another diatribe bout Tiger's eating habits and consequent Oakmont outrage, as if controling the mutant nutria and feral dog packs moving in from the city didn't earn Tiger some slack. That and the Valentine hints Tom's was not ready for. Muting the speaker, he turned his attention back to the two men that had been but now weren't. Could they be in any way connected to either Betty or Tom? A virtual hallucination in beta testing? Or did he need to adjust his meds again?

    Gesturing to Tiger and strapping on hardware, Tom headed for the cubicle ejection chute to check out this current street mystery.
